On a Foggy Sunday Morning

On a Foggy Sunday Morning

There is a special kind of ringing in your ears when you have to get up early after a whole night of talking, laughing, and drinking. The occasion was worth celebrating—the 1st anniversary of E.’s stem cell transplant. Whatever scientific trick the magicians at...
The Four Photo Albums

The Four Photo Albums

Yours truly has been busy the last two months. Mostly with remembering how to interview for a job. And understanding how to write CVs these days. Did you know that if you want to have good odds of success, you need to make your CV search engine friendly? Not Google,...
What Remains of Old Haunts

What Remains of Old Haunts

Much has changed in Poznan. I used to know the city on a level of intimacy that comes only with living somewhere for half of your life. Which pubs are good for trying out new craft beer, and which ones are for a quiet sit-down with a friend to talk about life into the...
Carefully Applied Pressure

Carefully Applied Pressure

You never appreciate your energy until you wake up one day to realize that it’s not there anymore. Once, you could power through any obstacle, nuisance, or discomfort. Now, if you try going at your old pace, you run out of steam around midday. Then, the...
Friedenau At Night

Friedenau At Night

I must’ve spent fifteen minutes trying to take this photo. Hovering by the edge of an abandoned construction site, one of these stretches of not quite downtown but not quite suburbs either where prolonged legal battles between different plot owners and the city...
Mailman Running

Have a Think

Stories and photography for chronic overthinkers.

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