Spilled Milk

Spilled Milk

Most mornings, after finishing my meditation, I move to the kitchen to have my morning mix of different cereals. A little bit of everything from various boxes, with raisins thrown in the mix. On the fateful day of the 13th of July, my ritual hit a snag. No milk in the...


In search of stillness, in search of light. In search of meaning. More and more, I ask myself: Why did I take this fucking picture?  Really, a chair in a downtown macdonalds, a glint of light on heated-up stone squares on a train platform, with gravel glistening...
In Search of Stillness

In Search of Stillness

A whole month has tumbled past at a breakneck pace. Unlike me at the Berlin half-marathon. There I just tumbled forward, slower and slower, watching the tunnel of people in front of me extend to infinity as they passed me. No matter. I finished the run and could even...
A Portrait Not Taken

A Portrait Not Taken

Some portraits not taken haunt me. A train conductor wearing the magenta uniform of the DB (Deutsche Bahn) standing past a glass door to the side of the Berlin Central Station. Buttons undone, he’s staring between his shoes, moving grains of gravel mixed with...
Two New Photo Albums

Two New Photo Albums

I’m pleased to share two new photo albums. The first, January Juxtapositions, explores the sense of estrangement of a January in Berlin, a winter time after all Christmas decorations get taken down, and what remains is the grey reality of the urban life, a...
On a Foggy Sunday Morning

On a Foggy Sunday Morning

There is a special kind of ringing in your ears when you have to get up early after a whole night of talking, laughing, and drinking. The occasion was worth celebrating—the 1st anniversary of E.’s stem cell transplant. Whatever scientific trick the magicians at...