Have you ever heard about pen-and-paper roleplaying games? We’re talking Warhammer, Dungeons and Dragons, Cyberpunk, 7th Sea, and the like. A group of people sitting at a table and telling a story together. The game master (GM) serves as the narrator, the players play...
What are your writing dreams? To get published? To earn a full time living from your writing? To see your book on a shelf in a bookstore? Or are you one of those rare individuals who write for pleasure alone? Whatever the answer, you might be setting yourself up for...
Listen to this post https://www.sebastianhetman.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/11-Turn-Worldbuilding-Into-Stories.mp3 With enough practice, everyone can come up with new compelling ideas and whole worlds nobody else had visited yet. You can find a thousand great ideas...
Listen to this post https://www.sebastianhetman.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/08-Original-Story-Ideas.mp3 Original story ideas set the best writers apart from the rest of the crowd. But a great paradox of fiction is that while our readers like to search for fresh and...
Listen to this post https://www.sebastianhetman.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/05WritersBlock.mp3 Writers can sometimes… They occasionally– That is, writers as a species– no– as professionals, they can sometimes… Aw, crap! So,...